Doorways and openings are symbolic structures that have great significance in our daily lives. Moving through difficulties or challenges, entering into new spaces and opportunities, leaving sadness, loss, a broken heart – doors and openings provide the transition point to change. Travel led me to discover and develop a love for the beauty and intrigue of doors and openings. While traveling around the world, it is possible to notice one thing – none of the doors are the same. Sometimes extraordinary, outstanding and mysterious doors often are perceived as an opportunity to get into some kind of magical world. For me, travel has always been an opportunity for discovering new places, personal exploration and change. Added to my study of using art as therapy, I now feel a strong desire to incorporate the powerful symbolism of doors and openings into my practice.
A great mindfulness exercise uses doorways as a reminder of where to place attention. Our attention loves to play “indoors”. Getting lost in a world of worries, judgments, re-runs and fears can take away from the present moment. Even wandering off with pleasant thoughts is no remedy. Research shows that we are happiest when our attention is present. What better reminder to draw your attention back out of your mind than a doorway! Every time you pass through a door direct your attention to the present for a moment. Leaving your home, getting in and out of your car, into a meeting, out for lunch, visiting a friend, and returning home. There are doors everywhere reminding you to pay attention to your world and connect with life.