
The ever open door…..

Doorways and openings are symbolic structures that have great significance in our daily lives. Moving through difficulties or challenges, entering into new spaces and opportunities, leaving sadness, loss, a broken heart – doors and openings provide the transition point to change. Travel led me to discover and develop a love

whirling in to a new life

  Once again, an inspiring interlude in my day, a sifting through old photographs and this time it is my travels to Turkey and those intriguing elements of Turkish culture. I am transported to the dark light, a dozen or so musicians appear wearing long black cloaks and tall, earthen-coloured

The circle of life -2

“Each person’s life is like a mandala, a vast limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life”. – Pema Chodron Last weekend we took a break at a beach resort. I like sitting by

Confluence at NTU!!

May the music be with you!

The first time I saw a keyboard in the house was when I was seven. It was a Casio keyboard, which my Dad had bought Mum as a birthday gift! Like any other excited kid at that age, I decided to claim ownership of this novel entity, by telling Mum

Cleanse your palette

Do you find yourself using much the same colour palette every time? Do you have a signature palette?

Use art to get to know you

If you’ve ever tried creating art as a means to therapy, you understand how restorative it can be. It has the ability to drive creativity, restore your sense of well-being, and help you overcome anxieties and conflicts. So, how do you practice creativity? Writing, drawing, painting, embroidery, knitting, cooking and

The naked truth

As an art student, I learned to share the studio with naked models. As the ‘artist’, when you look at the model, you don’t look at it as a person. That is not to say the model isn’t one. But you are trained to look at them as an object,

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All things small and beautiful

Getting out of my comfort zone and venturing into the world of water colours! All thanks to the wonderful tutorials on Youtube…..