The whitepaper creative

showing up

The whitepaper creative

The goodness of showing up…….

  I have begun to question thoughts that bring me pain. No matter how noble they sound. Especially generational and cultural thought patterns. here is one I heard all the time growing up and even these days – A long resume does not put you in a good light. It

This is me exhausted and the opposite of “put together”. I am smiling because even though I am tired, I showed up for myself and my goals. No, I did not hustle. But the opposite. I rested and binge watched Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I needed this rest. I have been

The road not taken….

Time spent in the studio has been productive over the past couple of weeks. I have been working very hard to set up the space. At the same time, I have been exploring the paints again, indulging myself straight out-of-the-tube. White and black have been calling to me. For some