
Anu 2.0….

A few weeks ago, I attended a creative retreat in Goa. I walked into the space, not knowing what to expect, and found a spot all to myself. As it is whenever you enter a new space there is nervousness, and a fear of the unknown. But within a few

The ever open door…..

Doorways and openings are symbolic structures that have great significance in our daily lives. Moving through difficulties or challenges, entering into new spaces and opportunities, leaving sadness, loss, a broken heart – doors and openings provide the transition point to change. Travel led me to discover and develop a love

Why do I write a blog?

Hi! I’m Anu. If this is your first time visiting The White Paper Creative blog, welcome! I’m so happy you’ve landed here. Whether we know each other well or we’re just connecting now, I consider it an honour to have you as a reader. In this first month of the

Embracing “Flawsome-ness”….

“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.” (Tara Brach) It is a given that these days we are constantly inundated with stressors on a personal and global level. As tempting as it is to turn away from painful emotions, or

whirling in to a new life

  Once again, an inspiring interlude in my day, a sifting through old photographs and this time it is my travels to Turkey and those intriguing elements of Turkish culture. I am transported to the dark light, a dozen or so musicians appear wearing long black cloaks and tall, earthen-coloured

And rise I shall…

  Finally moved into our new home! I am excited, but also worried whether I’ve made the right decision. There are dozens of boxes in every room and I am wondering when I will be finally able to get everything done. And on that first night, lying in bed in


Staying afloat

People ask me, “what are you going to do now that you are back in India?”  They want to hear about my next idea, my next plan, my next endeavour. When I can only answer, “I really don’t know.” I feel my disappointment roll into theirs – and we are

I will survive……

With our move back to the country imminent and as the pandemic sweeps through it, my mind is working on overdrive. Planning what I would do to survive and then making sure I have a backup plan. I, somehow, always need a plan B. I know I don’t have an

The world in stitches

2020 was the year I took on cross-stitch again.  I had done a lot of it a few years ago but then most of my stitching was mainly black work. Cross-stitch is making a huge come back.  I have heard of so many people who stitched years ago that are


Yesterday I was at the mall and every store was promoting Women’s day! I am certain you’ve seen the hashtag on social media posts or heard a host on television referencing it. We are all familiar — at least on a surface level — with the International Women’s Day. I