
Technology for transformation…..

I had always believed that the online environment is impersonal. During the Covid-19 pandemic art therapists, like many other therapists, have been required to adapt their modality to the online context. Except, could art therapy really be done virtually? There are clear indications of what one misses or loses in

Using art for healing….

Aaahh! The earthy aroma of clay… the scratchy feel of a quill pen on paper… the happy anticipation of planning a new watercolor painting. Art has been a source of much happiness and satisfaction for me since childhood. Okay, so I studied art at college-level, went on to teaching it,

As right as R.A.I.N

The recent and untimely loss of a very dear friend has led me to face up to the fact that some emotions are very tough to deal with. It made me realize how tempting it is to simply turn away from such painful emotions – as tempting as it is

The world in stitches

2020 was the year I took on cross-stitch again.  I had done a lot of it a few years ago but then most of my stitching was mainly black work. Cross-stitch is making a huge come back.  I have heard of so many people who stitched years ago that are

The Art of healing

As the pandemic continues to rage, we experience losses that may include a person’s health, job, relationship, pet, or loved one. Some of us are unable to describe the roller coaster of emotions we experience, yet we do know that we are not ourselves. When we feel out of sorts,

Not averse to verse

Have you discovered blackout poetry yet? Simply put, it is a form of “found poetry” where you choose words that catch your interest or jump out at you, from a newspaper, book, or other printed text – along with a few additional words to make it flow. Then you “redact”

Use art to get to know you

If you’ve ever tried creating art as a means to therapy, you understand how restorative it can be. It has the ability to drive creativity, restore your sense of well-being, and help you overcome anxieties and conflicts. So, how do you practice creativity? Writing, drawing, painting, embroidery, knitting, cooking and

The shape of healing

I have lots of time to think while I have my hands in the clay. The week’s stress is poured in to the nature of creating pottery. It is an art medium that requires a lot of attention and focus throughout the process. Each step has its own pitfalls. I

The whirlwind of life

Time spent in my art studio has been productive the last few days. It has been nice exploring acrylics again, indulging myself in straight out -of-the -tube colours. For some reason, now does not seem the time to be timid or subtle. Earlier as I sat in my studio, amidst