
finding light over darkness

What is the real meaning of Diwali? Just a token celebrating of good over evil with the lamps and festivities, or the illuminating of the darkness of the mind and compassionate action? As I lit the lamps in my home this year, for the first time I took a moment

Bring your inner child to work.

My first self-date was a small and low-key adventure many years ago: a movie in the middle of the day. It felt amazing to finally conquer one of my worst fears and not having to be accompanied by someone. And this is when my confidence really set in. It was

The magic in the mess.

I am smiling because something has clicked. My morning pages threw this at me. Life is both messy and magical. I have visual and emotional proof for that, and I bet you do too. The magic and the mess (and the magic in the mess) tends to play out beautifully

The starting point

A starting point. You know how all of us have that image of that open highway stretched out to infinity before you, beckoning to a future somewhere out on that horizon?  All that you will become lies out there. In my twenties, I was an idealistic young woman with stars

whirling in to a new life

  Once again, an inspiring interlude in my day, a sifting through old photographs and this time it is my travels to Turkey and those intriguing elements of Turkish culture. I am transported to the dark light, a dozen or so musicians appear wearing long black cloaks and tall, earthen-coloured

The world in stitches

2020 was the year I took on cross-stitch again.  I had done a lot of it a few years ago but then most of my stitching was mainly black work. Cross-stitch is making a huge come back.  I have heard of so many people who stitched years ago that are

The circle of life – 1

Creativity journeys are just that, a journey into exploring inward first and then the outward expression that gives birth to the flow of creation. My creativity journey for the past few weeks has been an exploration of mandalas. Mandalas are circular images embraced by the completeness of a circle. The

Confluence at NTU!!

May the music be with you!

The first time I saw a keyboard in the house was when I was seven. It was a Casio keyboard, which my Dad had bought Mum as a birthday gift! Like any other excited kid at that age, I decided to claim ownership of this novel entity, by telling Mum

Cleanse your palette

Do you find yourself using much the same colour palette every time? Do you have a signature palette?

Use art to get to know you

If you’ve ever tried creating art as a means to therapy, you understand how restorative it can be. It has the ability to drive creativity, restore your sense of well-being, and help you overcome anxieties and conflicts. So, how do you practice creativity? Writing, drawing, painting, embroidery, knitting, cooking and