
finding light over darkness

What is the real meaning of Diwali? Just a token celebrating of good over evil with the lamps and festivities, or the illuminating of the darkness of the mind and compassionate action? As I lit the lamps in my home this year, for the first time I took a moment

Bring your inner child to work.

My first self-date was a small and low-key adventure many years ago: a movie in the middle of the day. It felt amazing to finally conquer one of my worst fears and not having to be accompanied by someone. And this is when my confidence really set in. It was

The whitepaper creative

The goodness of showing up…….

  I have begun to question thoughts that bring me pain. No matter how noble they sound. Especially generational and cultural thought patterns. here is one I heard all the time growing up and even these days – A long resume does not put you in a good light. It

morning walk shenanigans

Since we moved back to the country, I have started each morning with a walk. My daily walk is a walking meditation, a steadfast ritual to get my body moving, get some fresh air into my lungs, and to grab some time just to be out there, with myself, with

And rise I shall…

  Finally moved into our new home! I am excited, but also worried whether I’ve made the right decision. There are dozens of boxes in every room and I am wondering when I will be finally able to get everything done. And on that first night, lying in bed in


Staying afloat

People ask me, “what are you going to do now that you are back in India?”  They want to hear about my next idea, my next plan, my next endeavour. When I can only answer, “I really don’t know.” I feel my disappointment roll into theirs – and we are


Happy New Year!

I believe we can all agree that 2020 has been a year unlike any other. Everything changed in a split second. As I look back at old memories, I yearn for all those times when we all mingled and hugged. So much that was taken for granted. I have learned