
The magic in the mess.

I am smiling because something has clicked. My morning pages threw this at me. Life is both messy and magical. I have visual and emotional proof for that, and I bet you do too. The magic and the mess (and the magic in the mess) tends to play out beautifully

As right as R.A.I.N

The recent and untimely loss of a very dear friend has led me to face up to the fact that some emotions are very tough to deal with. It made me realize how tempting it is to simply turn away from such painful emotions – as tempting as it is

The Art of healing

As the pandemic continues to rage, we experience losses that may include a person’s health, job, relationship, pet, or loved one. Some of us are unable to describe the roller coaster of emotions we experience, yet we do know that we are not ourselves. When we feel out of sorts,