
seeing clearly

Visual art is called visual art for a reason – because the primary way of engaging with it is through the visual faculty. Artists sometimes spend years developing their ‘eye’, their ability to see things in a particular way and present that image to their audience. This may seem like

morning walk shenanigans

Since we moved back to the country, I have started each morning with a walk. My daily walk is a walking meditation, a steadfast ritual to get my body moving, get some fresh air into my lungs, and to grab some time just to be out there, with myself, with

whirling in to a new life

  Once again, an inspiring interlude in my day, a sifting through old photographs and this time it is my travels to Turkey and those intriguing elements of Turkish culture. I am transported to the dark light, a dozen or so musicians appear wearing long black cloaks and tall, earthen-coloured

The world in stitches

2020 was the year I took on cross-stitch again.  I had done a lot of it a few years ago but then most of my stitching was mainly black work. Cross-stitch is making a huge come back.  I have heard of so many people who stitched years ago that are


Choose to be you

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and I am thinking of a book I read a few years ago – The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman. The premise of the book is simple: people are all different. With different personalities, they naturally express love in different ways. Gary

The Art of healing

As the pandemic continues to rage, we experience losses that may include a person’s health, job, relationship, pet, or loved one. Some of us are unable to describe the roller coaster of emotions we experience, yet we do know that we are not ourselves. When we feel out of sorts,

Cleanse your palette

Do you find yourself using much the same colour palette every time? Do you have a signature palette?