Love and light

Art journals are personal journeys and life’s notes you jot down every step of the way.

They are like poems which you have penned on different moods and turns of your existence.
My Art journalling started about 3  years ago when my daughter bought me a small blank page book and a set of colours and pens from a local art store while ambling in Down town Los Angeles.
I have always loved writing poems and this was meant to put down thoughts
..that is what I thought.
But you never really end up doing what you think and invariably walk down an untrodden path full of new surprises.
And thus began my first art journal. It was small and easy to tuck away in my bag when travelling.

So I started drawing mandalas and  creating collages and stories with paper, colours and pens. Writing short verses and illustrating as well.
It was so therapeutic and at the same time a kind of  an addiction, I had never felt before.
I had painted canvases and fabrics and glass and ceramic allowing more space to spill my imagination.
This small size book needed more meticulous thought and the practice of editing your own creation.
A very difficult inner practice is needed to discard the unnecessary and keep the relevant.
I think art journals teach you to be disciplined and wild at the same time.
Slowly I began experimenting with a variety of art journals in size and paper types.
Handmade, water colour, newspaper and cartridge. Sizes as small as 1 inch mini journals to A6 sketchbooks.
There are black journals with artwork with a white gel pen Simple yet beautiful in their own right.
I need to create art regularly, rather everyday
Today, I have a collection of many art journals. Flip through them, and they will speak to you of me.
Doodles  on some pages are like a mind that was finding a way out of confusion. Water colour sketches which speak of the eternal fluidity and blending.
Acrylic art that is firm and resolute and colour pencils that are a  subtle reminder that you can express love even in a soft whisper and a caress.
My favourites are sketches and illustrations I created on quotes from women writers, poets and artists across the globe.
All my inspirations which I want to give away to my daughter and her children through these art journals and continue to live through them.
As they say energy is neither created nor destroyed but only transformed or transferred. Art is surely that energy.

Instagram: @rashmikoushik2000
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