self care

Be your own biggest fan

Making art can often be very difficult. Creating anything which even looks presentable can sometimes be hard. But making is a part of who we are, as human beings — the creative species — and as individuals. Whether it is a lovely recipe or a beautiful house, or a neat

Bring your inner child to work.

My first self-date was a small and low-key adventure many years ago: a movie in the middle of the day. It felt amazing to finally conquer one of my worst fears and not having to be accompanied by someone. And this is when my confidence really set in. It was

This is me exhausted and the opposite of “put together”. I am smiling because even though I am tired, I showed up for myself and my goals. No, I did not hustle. But the opposite. I rested and binge watched Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I needed this rest. I have been


Yesterday I was at the mall and every store was promoting Women’s day! I am certain you’ve seen the hashtag on social media posts or heard a host on television referencing it. We are all familiar — at least on a surface level — with the International Women’s Day. I