
Rediscover yourself

I haven’t written here for a while now. And only because I have been having fun doing the things I want to do – creating, playing, meeting people, building a community, following my passion. And what I have learnt from all of that is something so important, so valuable that


It’s the end of the year—that time where we pause for reflection on our wins and losses. We think about the goals we didn’t achieve and give ourselves a little grace because in a few days we have an opportunity for a fresh start. “I’m going to do it, this

The starting point

A starting point. You know how all of us have that image of that open highway stretched out to infinity before you, beckoning to a future somewhere out on that horizon?  All that you will become lies out there. In my twenties, I was an idealistic young woman with stars

Anu 2.0….

A few weeks ago, I attended a creative retreat in Goa. I walked into the space, not knowing what to expect, and found a spot all to myself. As it is whenever you enter a new space there is nervousness, and a fear of the unknown. But within a few