
Wake up with gratitude

We have all heard plenty about the benefits of gratitude.  How thinking about those things that you are grateful for can shift you out of a negative mindset into a positive one. I’ve practiced daily gratitude in the past by writing down 3 things I’m grateful for in the margins

She let go……

The phrase “let it go” used to really irritate me because I didn’t know what it meant or exactly how to do it. And there are times when I still struggle with it a lot. As an analytical person, I need visual aids and practical steps to help me understand

This is me exhausted and the opposite of “put together”. I am smiling because even though I am tired, I showed up for myself and my goals. No, I did not hustle. But the opposite. I rested and binge watched Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I needed this rest. I have been

morning walk shenanigans

Since we moved back to the country, I have started each morning with a walk. My daily walk is a walking meditation, a steadfast ritual to get my body moving, get some fresh air into my lungs, and to grab some time just to be out there, with myself, with

Technology for transformation…..

I had always believed that the online environment is impersonal. During the Covid-19 pandemic art therapists, like many other therapists, have been required to adapt their modality to the online context. Except, could art therapy really be done virtually? There are clear indications of what one misses or loses in

As right as R.A.I.N

The recent and untimely loss of a very dear friend has led me to face up to the fact that some emotions are very tough to deal with. It made me realize how tempting it is to simply turn away from such painful emotions – as tempting as it is

Why question?

A lot of our life time is spent not knowing. Many things that we are comfortable not knowing. Not knowing the name of a stranger. Not knowing the number of your credit card. Not knowing the capital of Malta. What makes us comfortable with this is the fact that we


Staying afloat

People ask me, “what are you going to do now that you are back in India?”  They want to hear about my next idea, my next plan, my next endeavour. When I can only answer, “I really don’t know.” I feel my disappointment roll into theirs – and we are


Choose to be you

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and I am thinking of a book I read a few years ago – The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman. The premise of the book is simple: people are all different. With different personalities, they naturally express love in different ways. Gary


Happy New Year!

I believe we can all agree that 2020 has been a year unlike any other. Everything changed in a split second. As I look back at old memories, I yearn for all those times when we all mingled and hugged. So much that was taken for granted. I have learned