
A space to be grateful

Caring for yourself and others in times such as what we are facing now, can be challenging. It is normal to feel anxious and worried, and not know what to do. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to acknowledge that you are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. This can be an helpful first step.

Practicing acceptance and gratitude has been the way I have been dealing with this uncertainty. For me, this has naturally, taken shape through visual means – I often look at nature. Doing so helps me to pause, appreciate and reflect on the beauty in the details around me. It keeps me

grounded in the experiences I can take in through my senses and in that way, it serves a mindfulness practice as well. I keep a gratitude journal in the form of a visual account, full of positive thoughts and affirmations.

You could try this too. If art seems intimidating, find a diary to write a few lines, or just a moment of positive thoughts each night before you go to sleep. There is no wrong way to practice gratitude and acceptance, it

is only about finding what is helpful and realistic for you in your life.

That being said, some days it is going to be easier than others. Some days the idea of gratitude may be frustrating, and in those moments, it is okay to be angry or sad or whatever you need to be. We never owe anyone a positive attitude or a brave face in trying times. It is okay to be with our emotions as they come up through this challenging collective experience. And then, there may be other moments where practicing gratitude helps you to stay afloat and the practice itself becomes something you find yourself grateful for. As I have.

    2 Replies to “A space to be grateful”

    1. Sree Nair says:

      Awesome work Anu! Best wishes!💐😍

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