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All things small and beautiful

Have you ever binge- watched water colour tutorials on YouTube? All those amazing artists make it seem so easy!

So I decided that in these times of crisis, isolation and confinement in our homes, I shall get out of my comfort zone of working with acrylics and oils and try my hand at watercolours ( I have shied away from it because of my own frustrations and trying to get it right and other people’s comments about them ). I made it my goal to paint every single day. Although I still have a long way to go before I reach the skill level I want to be at, I have managed to get better at my skills and want to share what I have learnt with you. I dithered between what subjects to paint, what size and the colour palette….finally deciding that small is beautiful.

Small works are such a joy to do! It is possible to create them in just any available space and working in water based media helps keep things simple. They are also easier to manage for the overall picture without having to focus on details too much. These are some of my recent water colours – a medium I absolutely love! I have used intense water colour pencils and am thrilled with the softness and the vibrant nature of these colours. These fruits and vegetables are going to find a spot on my kitchen wall.

And now while you read this, I shall go and paint some oranges….


    3 Replies to “All things small and beautiful”

    1. Wonderful Anu. Love your creations. I can imagine how exhilarating this must be. Keep creating and sharing.

    2. binusivan says:

      Loving the watercolour paintings Anu😊

    3. Anonymous says:

      Beautiful creations !!

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